What I love about a new year is the blank page on which you get to write and create something new.
Whether you start the New Year with a resolution, a goal or a decision, the New Year brings excitement about creating something fresh and revitalizing. For example, maybe you’ll decide to start eating healthy or start an exercise program, or launch a new business.
What many people don’t realize is we really never start from scratch. All of our experiences, even the unpleasant ones, stay seated in us as we move ahead, unless…
You are consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors regarding past and present struggles.
You actively change your mindset about the challenge you face so that it no longer holds a negative charge in your day to day experience.
You accept yourself and others as they are in the present moment.
Here are 3 Simple Steps to Take to Renew, Revitalize, and Release Negative Thoughts, Behaviors, and Patterns:
First, think about a particularly challenging situation in your life. This could be related to family issues, professional struggles, or even a habit you’d like to change.
Second, write it down.
Third, try this exercise to release the negative charge of this issue, struggle or habit:
- Evoke a positive thought that you’ve never had before about the person or the situation. Choose something positive and true about them. For example, let’s say your boss drives you completely crazy! See if you can find one positive quality about him or her.
- Attach a positive emotion to that quality and focus this emotion towards the person or situation. Let’s say you have a difficult relationship with someone in your family. Think about one positive quality about this person. How does this positive quality make you feel? Send this positive feeling and energy to this family member.
- Exhibit a behavior you wish to see in this person. This is your chance to be the role model to a family member, a boss, a friend or even your child.
If you can practice these 3 simple steps, your mindset about the situation or the person will change. This challenge will no longer define your life and your experience with this person or situation will begin to shift.
After you apply these 3 simple steps, let me know what happens. If you’d like to discover more about your deepest thoughts, feelings and patterns, join me on Facebook for a 10-Day Self-Discovery Challenge. Just by answering a simple question each day through January 11, you’ll uncover some great insights about how you feel about yourself and others.
If you’re ready to dive in for a remarkable self-discovery journey with me, join me in The Dolphin’s Dance online video course. I’m offering 3 FREE bonus gifts and special low pricing through January 31st! Self-discovery is the key to awakening, embracing and living your dream life!