It wasn’t until I became a leader in my organization that I realized how many skills I had as a mom that very easily transferred to my new role. Everything from juggling multiple tasks at once, dealing with never-ending demands on your time, to constantly having an unfaltering vision for other people and the big picture, these were all daily routines of motherhood that made me a better leader.
Mother’s Day is not only a time to honor your own mom for all of the life lessons she taught you (good or bad), it’s also a day to acknowledge the role you play as a leader, to your children and your family, as well as to other communities and teams in your life.
By becoming more consciously aware of ourselves, we can become more conscious leaders to our families and at work. Here are three ways moms can become better leaders to everyone in their life, including children and employees:
Acknowledge and Embrace Your Role as a Leader
As a mom, it took me some time to recognize the many skills I had that were actually leadership skills. Once I became a leader in my organization, I could feel how involved and committed I was towards my own team. I was intimately involved in their well being (like my own kids’) and I felt a personal loss when I had to lay off one of my employees for the benefit of the organization. Of course, things are not always peachy or easy in the business world, nor are they as a parent. Whether we look back and agree with all of our decisions or not, most of us can agree our mom did the best she could to support our life’s program. Our moms are often our first leaders, and you are setting the standard for your children now. Inevitably, you have to make the same tough choices and hard decisions as a mom that you do as a manager or CEO. Embrace your role and honor it in any scenario.
Let Others See Who You Really Are
When we are anchored in our true self, we hold the space for others to discover theirs. If we are true to our emotions, we teach our kids and our employees to stay true to theirs. If we are aware of our limiting beliefs, we are cautious about conveying them to others. If we cannot control our destructive patterns, our tantrums or our moods, we will transmit them to our children and staff even if we are not aware of doing so. Most importantly, if we honor ourselves, love ourselves, and forgive ourselves, we will be able to teach love, forgiveness and tolerance.
Empower Yourself
As mothers, we become aware of the impact we have on our kids and family, but we need to act towards our own self-discovery, too. For instance, if something pushes your buttons in your relationship with your child, spouse or our own mother, you ought to stop and observe if this is a trigger from your past. It could be your own experience, a belief about yourself, or a survival pattern you adopted early on in your life. By acknowledging a negative belief about yourself (for example, “I am not good enough”), you can prevent transmitting it to those you’re leading. Don’t you think it is time to end these false beliefs?
By becoming more aware of your true self as mothers and leaders, you’re choosing to take action towards changing your perspective on the things that do not serve you. In doing so, you’re making the world a better place. By expressing and loving yourself, you are giving permission to your children (and to your employees) to stand tall in the world and be confident in themselves.
Carry on Moms!
Micheline Nader was an award-winning CEO and healthcare entrepreneur. She is the author of The Dolphin’s Dance: Discover Your True Self Through a 5-Step Journey Into Conscious Awareness, a simple model for living a more conscious and present life. Find her at or on Facebook and Twitter.