Do you often ask yourself: what about me? Do your kids, spouse, parents or neighbors depend on you yet when you feel sluggish, sick or low on energy it seems as though you can’t depend on anyone? Are you feeling some weariness faced with the voluminous tasks you have to do?
What about you? Don’t you have the right to get the blues?
If these are midlife broken dreams blues or simply winter blues, you owe it to yourself to accept your current state of mind. It is OK to feel all this gloominess at times. The super woman or man you are is needing to slow down a bit and reflect on what is next — not what is next for everyone but really what is next specifically for you!
When we are lethargic, we struggle to find meaning to our life. We tend to stagnate in a routine that is not fulfilling. Before we attempt to find what gives our life meaning, we need to accept this state of lassitude instead of fighting it.
Once acknowledged, we need to be mindful that having this state of being become a permanent dwelling could become dangerous and lead us to a low-grade depression that starts to feel normal.
So, how do we come out of it before it becomes a permanent state of being?
What about honoring yourself by nurturing one aspect of you that is longing to be seen? What about that piece of you, which is feeling ignored and unattended to? That part of yourself who was once alive and is dying out right now?
No matter where you are, you will survive but in order to thrive you will need to stop and pay attention to you. So, why not add one thing you love to the boring routine you are in? Easier said than done for all of us — I have been there and I have done that. In my worst blues 15 years ago, I added yoga to my day and it literally changed my life!
Taking time to do something you love every day nourishes your soul, just as food nourishes your body.
Blocking some time every day to do something you love would get you out of the melancholy in no time. Some people need a creative outlet, others a physical, spiritual or mental outlet. Whatever it is we all have a need to vent. It is important to put it on the schedule, inform people around you to respect this time and do it no matter what.
Women, particularly moms, have a tendency to feel guilty when they allow themselves time to play. It is important to overcome this feeling. Besides, if you are not well, your family will soon feel sluggish too as your energy trickles down to them. Give yourself permission to do what you love. It’s in this space of joy that you gain insights about your purpose.
Your blues will soon dissipate and be replaced by beautiful shades of color!